Sunday, September 18, 2011

Life As It Is....

Life is too short to be written in words. Be it men, woman or the animals. A dream from which we dont tend to wake up, or to be specific, we dont force ourselves to. Life surrounded by a void termed as eternal sleep. In this very short span of time, we are submerged by our thoughts, loves, hates and all those feelings which we make for our own selves. As Shakespeare rightly said,
“We are such stuff,
As Dreams that are made on, and our little life is rounded by a sleep”
We don't let our mind to walk free from the frames imposed by the nature. A tranquilliser, but it has limited our thinking to what we actually are. Science does not approve any of the human feelings or affections. It describes love, colours, harmony or even music to be the creation of man, his thoughts, which unfortunately is limited to the fence erected by the psychic world, just few moving molecules. “There are not sounds, callings or harmonies, just variations in pressure of air,no colours or lights just travelling of electro-magnetic waves”- H. Von Foerster.
Or just a few Billions of stars and planets revolving here and there, just to make the mankind realise how much powerless he is. Do they just ignore our race?
Love gives a perfect meaning to our lives, its an art, just as in friendship or just to the calm the mind searching for the creator of this world. It makes us forget the void in us, a pure pleasure, an eternal peace, true happiness. But the other side is pain, vengeance, cruelty, which tears us apart. In between the two is the space for introspection. A times comes in life when transition happens from the both ends, top to bottom or vice versa. The times when we meditate on our short comings and our achievements. The pendulum keeps on moving, from positive sides of happiness to the evil cruel negative space. Those who survive, lets it go, or at-least evaluate to not repeat it next time. But the one invaded by the darkness falls prey to the eternal darkness that awaits him. He is on the verge from falling down from his dream.

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