Now, brace yourself for a thorough sarcasm, 'cuz I think its necessary.
Public tolerance is a far hidden word here in India. Doesn't seem to come in any dictionary. But I was surprised when citizens of this country went to become civilised to an extent that made me laugh. Delhi is however not that bad guys. :)
So I am a high-school pass out and recently in my search for an admission in a good college in Delhi University I had a chance to witness few 'extra-ordinary' moments which i later narrated to my companion who accompanied me to St.Stephens College. The journey happened to be on Delhi Metro (I am totally proud of this thing). After all its one of the best public transport systems in the country and only among the few tube systems in the world which is making considerable profit. Delhiites like this. Oh!! but wait, when Delhiites use something, they don't give it that respect that it deserves. Yes, you know that & statistics also shows.
We boarded our train from Saket Metro Station in South Delhi and the trip was however estimated to last about 45 minutes. Fortunately we got our hands on a few seats (well, that was really fortunate, you know). the compartment happened to be the last and there wasn't that big rush. One could hear continuous message being given by public information system ( by the end was totally irritated by this). There was a pin-drop silence in the whole train. No one yelling (i mean speaking) at each other. Well this is hard to find in India if you once happen to travel the Indian Railways.
No one was concerned with anything. Except for a few who gorged on their Blackberry games. the train was moving at a considerable speed and we were also busy cracking some good jokes. Every following station that i witnessed was in fact heartening to see. I am talking about the following picture:
And then I though about a travel host In National Geographic Channel who once claimed that Indians lived life
To be continued.....
Public tolerance is a far hidden word here in India. Doesn't seem to come in any dictionary. But I was surprised when citizens of this country went to become civilised to an extent that made me laugh. Delhi is however not that bad guys. :)

We boarded our train from Saket Metro Station in South Delhi and the trip was however estimated to last about 45 minutes. Fortunately we got our hands on a few seats (well, that was really fortunate, you know). the compartment happened to be the last and there wasn't that big rush. One could hear continuous message being given by public information system ( by the end was totally irritated by this). There was a pin-drop silence in the whole train. No one yelling (i mean speaking) at each other. Well this is hard to find in India if you once happen to travel the Indian Railways.
No one was concerned with anything. Except for a few who gorged on their Blackberry games. the train was moving at a considerable speed and we were also busy cracking some good jokes. Every following station that i witnessed was in fact heartening to see. I am talking about the following picture:
And then I though about a travel host In National Geographic Channel who once claimed that Indians lived life
To be continued.....

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